I wondered how it end up like this,
well, we're suppose to celebrate,
was late, I ended up going to the wrong condo,
thanks to 2 ketumbar heights,(the other is ketumbar HILLS)
either by stupuidity or ignorance, there is no condo which have the same name,
if u have no money, no point going to korean restraunts, a stylish place aint cheap,
take a break and go somewhere normal,
I've never felt so pissed in my life,
or maybe sad? okay, pissedsad xD
a friend told me if i have a girlfriend whould I take her to mcdonalds during her birthday?
uh, no I wont, and I dont suggest a good place to someone who's not my girlfriend, why should I?
maybe it's just communication eror,
having hard time understanding chinese, actually struggling with it,
I stammer when I speak chinese... -_-
I'll hope everything goes back to normal,
something that would get over with in a period of time,
friends forgive.
went partying in another friends party! xD
got really drunk, embarrased myself couse I cant dance xD
actually I danced, retardedly,
it was fun though!
but when I went back I couldnt sleep,
stayed up since then to 3pm,
talk about self control when ur drunk xD
slept 3-4 hrs, woke up again, went and meet up with him for his birthday,
LOL talking abt birthdays, I hang out with my friend back at secondary school, went to cinema all day watching 2 movies xD
and he paid for it =x
thanks Henry wakakakakaka >=D