Friday, May 15, 2009

Fucked up

so what did i do after my class?
everyone went back,
no one wanted to go Jco,
I went back,
I tought I have alot of time,
so.... I rode my bike!!!! XD

my imagination took me to 300kmh.


But in reality I was going at 160 kmh without protective gear
seriously! xD it's the same clothes u see in the pic when im riding! only in boots helmet and a pair of gloves xD
Everytime I go fast I imagine myself as a bunny got road killed on the highway,
wait... is there even a wild bunny in malaysia? maybe u'll see one soon ;)
a big one.

i was in deep tought thinking about my stupidity during all these years and then a car in front just have to psyco me with a hard break, I twisted my bike like mr. bean dancing around in a chapel, thanks to my l337 h4x sk11lz that im still here xD

hehe the road was sandy too xD

when when i gone back home i felt so empty...

then later i had a call....

took some stuff I ordered, met a fren,

and then guess what?

A person came crying to me today....
what a day...
my assignments are starting to come piling up....
and im not in a mood for it....

Let me hide in my cave right now....

I think I should stop worrying.... everyone is so fucked up... not like they understand how I feel...

but that's not important anyway, not like u cared, maybe i'll go get myself drunk any forget everything xD


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